Meet the Team

  • Sophia Vinci-Booher

    Dr. Vinci-Booher is the principal investigator of the LAND Lab. She received her Ph.D. in Psychology and Neuroscience from Indiana University. Her work focuses on understanding the brain changes associated with learning and using that understanding to establish biological predictors of future learning difficulties and developing effective interventions. In her spare time, she likes to run and keep up with her book club. You might also see her at your local yoga studio or walking around town with her husband.

    CV | Google Scholar | ORCid | GitHub

  • Elton Cross

    Elton is the lab manager of the LAND Lab. She is a recent graduate from the University of Connecticut, where she majored in Psychological Sciences. In the future, she plans to get her PhD in Developmental Psychology. She is interested in cognitive development studied through eye-tracking technology and MRI. In her free time, she enjoys reading and writing while listening to music, and yoga.

  • Shelby Buettner

    Shelby is a first year Masters student in the Cognitive Psychology in Context Program. Coming with an undergraduate major in Computer Science, she is excited to be exploring the intersections of these fields in a hands-on way! In her free time, she plays the piano, guitar, and sings! She frequently tries her hand at new hobbies.

  • Angela Qian

    Angela is an undergraduate research assistant in Peabody College, double-majoring in Cognitive Studies and Medicine, Health, & Society with a Neuroscience minor. She is excited to work on expanding neuroimaging procedures for kids and leaning how children’s brains change as they learn! For fun, she likes to crochet, climb, and explore new places.

  • Zoha Arif

    Zoha is SyBBURRE fellow working in the lab as an undergraduate research assistant in the School of Engineering in the College of Arts and Sciences. She is double-majoring in Cognitive Studies and Computer Science. She is excited to hone her computer science skill set for psychology research environments! Fun fact: She has been working on a graphic novel for a year now.

  • Camille Liska

    Camille is an undergraduate research assistant in Peabody College, double-majoring in Cognitive Studies and Medicine, Health, & Society. She is fascinated by how people learn and by understanding the effects of education on the developing brain! For fun, she likes to swim, hike, or do anything else outdoors.

  • Susie Ju

    Susie is an undergraduate research assistant in Peabody College, double-majoring in Psychology and Medicine, Health, & Society. She is also pursuing a minor in African American Diaspora Studies from the College of Arts & Sciences. She is excited to work with brilliant teammates and to study what she loves! In her free time, she likes to go on nature walks, journal, and listen to music.

  • Chi Luo

    Chi is an undergraduate research assistant in Peabody College, majoring in Cognitive Studies. She is interested in how children learn and the effects on brain development. She is excited to learn more about MRI neuroimaging. For fun, she likes drawing, calligraphy, and traveling.

  • Karol Sadkowski

    Karol is a Masters student in the International Education Policy & Management program. He is excited to collaborate with team members to create an original dataset for computer vision model training! In his free time, he enjoys jigsaw puzzling; it’s a great way to unwind.


Elizabeth Berquist, Praise Okete, Wesley Wolf, Janet Oluwayomi, Charles Durbin, Allison Quest, Sarah Sha, Tabitha Rominger, Nicole Nguyen, Griffin Scism, Sabrina Ali, Mariam Oluyadi, Abhinav Kotaru, Shreya Bothra, Emily Wagner, Brianna Freeman, Lucas Martinez